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Tally Prime Shortcuts Key in Reports

Hidden Keys

Actions Key Shortcuts Equivalent Key in Tally.ERP 9
To insert a voucher in a report Alt+I Alt+I
To create an entry in the report, by duplicating a voucher Alt+2 Alt+2
To drill down from a line in a report Enter Enter
To delete an entry from a report Alt+D Alt+D
To add a voucher in a report Alt+A Alt+A
To remove an entry from a report Ctrl+R Alt+R
To hide or show the details in a table Alt+T Alt+T
To display all hidden line entries, if they were removed Alt+U Ctrl+U
To display the last hidden line (If multiple lines were hidden, pressing this shortcut repeatedly will restore the last hidden line first and follow the sequence) Ctrl+U Alt+U
To expand or collapse information in a report Shift+Enter Shift+Enter
To alter a master during voucher entry or from drill-down of a report Ctrl+Enter Ctrl+Enter
To select/deselect a line in a report Space bar Space bar
To select or deselect a line in a report Shift+Space bar Shift+Spacebar
To perform linear selection/deselection multiple lines in a report Shift+Up/Down None
To select or deselect all lines in a report Ctrl+Space bar Ctrl + Alt + A
To select or deselect lines till the end Ctrl+Shift+End Ctrl+Shift+End
To select or deselect lines till the top Ctrl+Shift+Home Ctrl+Shift+Home
To invert selection of line items in a report Ctrl+Alt+I Ctrl+Alt+I

Direct Keys

Accounting Vouchers

Action Location in TallyPrime Equivalent in Tally.ERP 9
To open Contra voucher F4 F4
To open Payment voucher F5 F5
To open Receipt voucher F6 F6
To open Journal voucher F7 F7
To open Sales voucher F8 F8
To open Purchase voucher F9 F9
To open Credit Note Alt+F6 Ctrl+F8
To open Debit Note Alt+F5 Ctrl+F9
To open Contra voucher F4 Accounting Vouchers F4
To open Payment voucher F5 Accounting Vouchers F5
To open Receipt voucher F6 Accounting Vouchers F6
To open Journal voucher F7 Accounting Vouchers F7
To open Stock Journal voucher Alt+F7 Inventory Vouchers Alt+F7
To open Physical Stock Ctrl+F7 Inventory Vouchers Alt+F10
To open Sales voucher F8 Accounting Vouchers F8
To open Delivery Note Alt+F8 Inventory Vouchers Alt+F8
To open Sales Order Ctrl+F8 Order  Vouchers None
To open Purchase voucher F9 Accounting Vouchers F9
To open Receipt Note Alt+F9 Inventory Vouchers Alt+F9
To open Purchase Order Ctrl+F9 Order Vouchers None
To open Credit Note Alt+F6 Accounting Vouchers Ctrl+F8
To open Debit Note Alt+F5 Accounting Vouchers Ctrl+F9
To open Payroll voucher Ctrl+F4 Payroll Vouchers None
To open Rejection In voucher Ctrl+F6 Inventory Vouchers Ctrl+F6
To open Rejection Out voucher Ctrl+F5 Inventory Vouchers Alt+F6
To view list of all vouchers F10 Vouchers None
To mark a voucher as Post-Dated Ctrl+T Right button Ctrl+T
To autofill details Ctrl+F Right button Ctrl+A
To change mode – open vouchers in different modes Ctrl+H Right button Ctrl+V (As Voucher mode)
Alt+I (As Invoice mode)
To open the Stock Query report for the selected stock item Alt+S Right button Alt+S
To mark a voucher as Optional Ctrl+L Right button Ctrl+L

Tally Prime Shortcuts Key in Reports

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