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Highlight of Vouchers Import

  • Import all type of vouchers of Tally from excel to Tally directly
  • Simple and user created excel templates can be used for vouchers
  • Excel templates can be customised for any required details
  • Tracking import process with highlight error controls
  • Use multiple voucher types in single excel
  • Dynamic voucher number control
  • Smart grouping of vouchers with multi line
  • Single process window for all type of vouchers
  • Automatic and unlimited ledgers methods in vouchers

Smart Features

  • All or selected vouchers can be imported by users choice
  • Undo/Delete imported vouchers anytime after import
  • Customised UDF storage of tdl of vouchers can be imported
  • Alteration or re-import vouchers anytime with duplication control
  • Allow user selected voucher lines to import
  • Auto selection of Voucher Type by default
  • Custom selection of voucher type by user for all vouchers
  • Dependent Masters can be verified with Tally before import
  • Auto creation of missing Masters with smart parent selection
  • Calculation of Auto Round Off value for columnar vouchers

Inventory Vouchers

Other Vouchers

E-Commerce Vouchers

  • Standard e-Commerce Vouchers
  • E-Commerce Vouchers (Flipkart, Amazon & etc.)

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