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Tally Definition Language (TDL) is a proprietary language of Tally. TDL enables customisation of Tally software to incorporate additional functionalities.  Almost anything in Tally software can be altered, customised, extended using this language.

TDL enables customisation of Tally to incorporate additional functionalities. TDL is platform independent, which means TDL programs remain the same, irrespective of the Operating System/ Network Environment one uses. TDL also allows the sharing of data across different platforms.

The capabilities of TDL language are:

  • Rapid Development: TDL definition is possible to reuse the existing definitions and deploy them. It is possible to develop complex reports with a short span of time.
  • Multiple Output Capability: TDL language can be used to send the output to multiple output devices and formats
  • Data Management Capability: Everything in TDL is an object. The data stored and
    retrieved as objects. By using TDL the user can create a new field and store a value into it which can be persisted in the Tally.ERP 9 database
  • Integration Capability: The Tally.ERP 9 platform has a built in capability of integrating data with other data sources: Different data sources possible in Tally.ERP 9 are XML, ODBC, DLL, EXCEL etc.

Using the capabilities listed above, we can achieve the following

  • Invoice Printing, Payment Advice Printing, Voucher Printing, etc. in user desired pre-preprinted or plain formats
  • Various Columnar reports like Batchwise Itemwise Reports, Itemwise Partywise Outward and Inward Movement Analysis
  • Various security related controls like Voucher Type wise Entry Control, control the table of selection based on users like Sales persons can view only Debtors Ledgers, etc.
  • Customization of Synchronization i.e., One way sync, Masters Only, Voucher Type wise Sync between various branches and HO
  • Creation of multiple Approval Levels
  • Labels and Bar Code Printing
  • Auto creation of Masters/ Transactions as required and more..
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