Enable Vouchers Type Control By Nature
Enable Vouchers Type Control By Nature
Lock Voucher Creation or Alteration to cut-off date
Tallys Default In Tally, it is possible for passing post dated voucher entry. That is, by default, users are allowed to pass voucher entry in future date by just changing the voucher date. Use of this TDL Using this TDL users are restricted to pass post dated voucher entries. This…
Tallys Defaults In default tally there is no option available to restrict or lock particular stock item not to be listed while passing any voucher entry. Use of this TDL There is a need of restricting use of unwanted or outdated or stock items in vouchers, even those items were…
Tallys Default In default tally, in outward vouchers, such as Sales Order, Sales and Debit Note, there is no control over price for any particular stock item, such price should not go below cost price of such item. Use of this TDL Using this tdl, there an control enabled on…
Tallys Default In default tally, there method of tracking between Sales to Delivery Note voucher. But there is no strict or mandatory control available over controlling either sales or delivery note should not pass either of those trackings. Use of this TDL Using this tdl, control has been enabled on…
Control Users to Export-Upload-Email-Print of Vouchers-Reports