Control Users to Export-Upload-Email-Print of Vouchers-Reports
Control Users to Export-Upload-Email-Print of Vouchers-Reports
Control Users to Export-Upload-Email-Print of Vouchers-Reports
Tally's DefaultIn Tally, while exporting any reports or voucher, the default export location would be as the application installed folder. Some times this becomes unclear where the user exported their files to computer.Also the users can also change the export location in their choice. Use of this TDLUsing this tdl,…
Tally's DefaultIn tally, when security control is enabled with multiple users list, then the user name is entered with any name. There is no restriction on creating users name in security. Use of this TDLUsing this tdl, if security control is enabled with multiple users to access particular company, and…
Tally Master Master Name Alter Control enables control on users to alter all Master Names, such as Accounts - Ledger, Groups, Inventory - Stock Item, Stock Groups, etc.. Primary requirement of using this features is to set restriction on users to modify all the Master Names. This control helps where…