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Excel File Type

Excel Sheet Name

  1. Sheet name should be as the Name of the Master Type and without space in the name.
    • Example, for Ledger Master, sheet name should be as “Ledger”,
    • For Stock Item Master, sheet name should be as “StockItem” and
    • Sheet name is Case Sensitive, so use first letter in CAPS for each word

Mandatory Details

  1. Excel Data, Column header should be in defined format.
    • Primary column “Name” should exist for all masters, thru which the name of such master is being linked to Tally.
    • Rest of the Column can be added as required, but it should be equal to the Storage Field used in Tally.
    • No space in the Column Header
      • example, header name “Pin Code” is wrong, “PinCode” is correct.
    • No blank row should be in excel sheet for continues reading of data.
    • No blank column should be in headers
    • Column header is not case sensitive.
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