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How to import vouchers from Excel to Tally

1. Load Excel and Verify Masters

  1. Once the file is selected, excel data will be loaded on the data grid screen.
  2. If the excel files are not in the proper format, users may get an error, those lists of errors can be verified.
  3. Use the data grid features, such as filter, search & group to analyse the loaded data.
  4. Click verify master button (at the bottom of the screen), where the connected master of the vouchers such as ledgers, stock items, godown, unit & voucher type of the loaded vouchers can be verified and missing masters can be created to tally directly.
  5. Click the configuration button (top right on the grid), to select the default voucher type, the account name for the loaded data.

2. Upload to Tally

  • Once the verify master and configuration are completed, users may proceed to upload data to tally.
  • Users can upload all or selected vouchers to tally, using the check box on the left side.
  • Now click the “Upload to Tally” button to upload entries to Tally directly.
  • Check the import process and log details of records imported.

3. Verify Import Status

  • During the process of import, in the data grid, the last column, “xmllog” will get updated with upload status from Tally.
  • After completion of all or selected lines, users will get the count statistics of data uploaded.
  • Users may refer to import log details in tally.imp file in the Tally.ERP9 or TallyPrime application installed folder.
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