Filter Stock Item of Stock Group Linked to Godown for Inventory Vouchers
Use Stock Group Linked Voucher Invoices
Use Stock Group Linked Voucher Invoices
Use Invoice Cum Delivery Tracking in Sales Invoice
Use Quality Control Details in Inventory Vouchers
Use the Process of Order > Invoice > Delivery Note
Tallys DetaultIn Tally, while using inventory vouchers, such as Invoice, Delivery Challan, etc., after selecting the item, list of godown to be selected. Which is mandatory and it has full list of godown created in Tally. There is no filter or limited list can be created. Use of this TDLUsing…
In Tally, while entering stock items from the list in inventory or invoice vouchers, all items is being listed irrespective of its groups it belongs to. To facilitate filing of specific group of stock items, under which such items are grouped, this tdl helps to set the group of stock…