Use Voucher Type Control in User Level
Use Voucher Type Control in User Level
Lock Voucher Creation or Alteration to cut-off date
Tallys Default In Tally, it is possible for passing post dated voucher entry. That is, by default, users are allowed to pass voucher entry in future date by just changing the voucher date. Use of this TDL Using this TDL users are restricted to pass post dated voucher entries. This…
Tally’s DefaultIn tally, security control is available for restrict or disallow for voucher entry on back dated vouchers only for the users covered under security level. This control is not available user's under Owner or Administrator. Uses of this TDLUsing this tdl, additional security control is available, where in all…
Tally's DefaultIn tally, security control is available for restrict or disallow for voucher entry on back dated vouchers. This control disallows the back dated entry for all type of vouchers based on entry passed last date on any particular voucher type. Uses of this TDLUsing this tdl, additional security control…
Tally's DefaultIn tally there is no option to control voucher date to computer date. So users can give any date on voucher creation or alteration mode. In some cases this is more critical and major issues comes where invoice or receipt vouchers are made on wrong date by mistake. Use…