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Use Additional Details in Employee Master

SituationIn Tally there are only generally required limited fields are available for filling-up for Employee master. Need of this TDLThere is a requirement for updating additional details, such as, Alternative Email AddressAlternative Phone Number Using this tdl those required additional fields are enabled and used in Employee Masters.

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Set Stock Group Filter in Inventory or Invoice Vouchers

In Tally, while entering stock items from the list in inventory or invoice vouchers, all items is being listed irrespective of its groups it belongs to. To facilitate filing of specific group of stock items, under which such items are grouped, this tdl helps to set the group of stock…

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Filter Cash/Bank group ledgers in Payment/Receipt Voucher

There is a need for bifurcating payment or receipt voucher types thru below. Cash PaymentBank PaymentCash ReceiptBank Receipt In Tally, by default any type of ledgers can be used in Payment or Receipt.To overcome this, this tdl helps to set control on the type of group of ledgers or Cash/Bank…

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Set Item Limit in Invoice Vouchers

While entering stock item in item based invoice vouchers, such as, Sales, Purchase, Delivery Note, Receipt Note, etc., the number of stock items lines to be used in such voucher can be limited.Use of this stock item limit on voucher is to avoid multiple pages on printing of invoices and…

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Advanced Inventory Master Security

In default Tally, security control on Masters has limited controls the entire inventory masters, such as Stock Item, Stock Group, Stock Category, Godown and Voucher Types.Using this tdl, enables you enhanced security control on each different type of inventory masters and which will become available in the list of security…

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