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Remote Access in Tally

Anywhere, Any device : You can access Tally.ERP 9 reports from anywhere using any device such as, laptop, smartphone, tablet, and so on, with a web browser, and an active internet connection. Security and Control : You have complete control on who views the reports, and which reports are available to a…

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Tally on Browser Access

Anywhere, Any device : You can access Tally.ERP 9 reports from anywhere using any device such as, laptop, smartphone, tablet, and so on, with a web browser, and an active internet connection. Security and Control : You have complete control on who views the reports, and which reports are available to a…

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Tally on Remote

What is Tally on Remote Overview  TallyPrime (formerly Tally.ERP9) support for accessing your tally data remotely, using in-built Remote Access feature and Browser Access feature in the software. For that you should to have a TallyPrime license (either single user or multi user license) and an active TSS, Stable internet…

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Enable ODBC in Tally

To Enable ODBC in Tally follow the below steps Open Tally in "Run as Administrator" modeGo to Gateway of Tally > F12: Configure > Advanced Configuration . The Advanced Configuration screen appears.The Advanced Configuration screen appears as shown below: Enable ODBCEnable ODBC server? to Yes.Specify the Port number that Tally.ERP…

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