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Job or Project-wise Job Work Analysis Report

Job Work Analysis report is the project-wise statement of nett profit gained or loss incurred. 1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statement of Inventory > Job Work Analysis . 2. Select the required Job/Project in the Select Item screen. The Job Work Analysis report appears as shown…

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Job Costing

Job costing is a form of specific order costing, which applies to a job undertaken according to customer requirements and specifications. Tally.ERP 9 enables the tracking of cost and revenue information like material, labour, and overhead for a specific job down to the smallest detail. With a view to ascertaining…

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PDF to Excel Converter

In the digital technology most of the financial documents for accounting entries are received through pdf and excel formats. If files are received through pdf, it is tough to analyse or reprocess it through any other the intelligent software like (Tally Master App - Excel to Tally). For the benefit of…

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Tally.ERP 9 – Release 6.6.2

Tally Reports in Browser Now you can download reports and vouchers in the browser in MS Excel format. Product Improvements Accounts and Inventory A warning message is shown when the Due date is lesser than the voucher date in sales orders. The F7: Vouchers button was displaying a blank page…

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Restart Voucher Numbering

You can restart the numbering of your vouchers by altering or creating a new voucher type and specifying the applicable dates, prefix, suffix, and other details, as needed. Note : In order to be GST-compliant, the voucher numbers of your invoice have to be unique and continuous. You can continue…

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Tally.ERP 9 – Release 6.6.1

Tally has launchd release 6.6.1 for Tally.ERP 9 Highlights Tally Reports in Browser: With this release, you can view reports on Cost Centres (Cost Centre Break-up and Ledger – Cost Centre Break-up) and Movement Analysis (Movement Analysis – Stock Item and Movement Analysis – Ledger) in browsers. Additionally, there is the flexibility to view your…

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Import Vouchers

You can import vouchers from one company to another in Tally.ERP 9. This could be due to the following reasons: Data corruption/loss.Migrating into a later release.Importing data from third party. To import vouchers Go to Gateway of Tally > Import Data > Vouchers .Enter the name of the .xml file…

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Import Masters

You can import masters previously exported from Tally.ERP 9 in XML format into the data of a company. Before importing, ensure that all the same features are enabled and disabled in the Company Features as the company from which the data is being imported. For example, if you want to…

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Auto Bank Reconciliation in Tally.ERP 9

Did you know that with Tally.ERP 9, reconciling your company’s bank book with the bank statement can be done automatically and accurately? Bank reconciliation is an important process that helps a business to cross-verify its own books of accounts with the bank statement. Comparing the two statements with long list…

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Multi Printing Reports – Index Page

Did you know that you can print an Index Page to Multiple Ledgers and Items? Yes, it is nor possible to print an Index page to summaries page wise printing of Ledger Accounts/Items. This serves as Table of Contents and helps identify the required Ledger Accounts/ Items without going through…

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