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Excel Formats for Vouchers

Excel File Type Read the Excel file types to be used for import. Excel Sheet Name Excel Sheet Name, should be as default Voucher Type Name for the respective voucher type. Example, for sales vouchers, sheet name should be “Sales” For purchase vouchers, sheet name should be “Purchase” For debit…

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Excel Formats for Masters

Excel File Type Read the Excel file types to be used for import. Excel Sheet Name Sheet name should be as the Name of the Master Type and without space in the name. Example, for Ledger Master, sheet name should be as “Ledger”, For Stock Item Master, sheet name should be as “StockItem”…

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Excel File Type

Excel File Type Excel file should be in “.xls” formats only Use Save as option in file menu for saving excel file in *.xls format. In save as from, in Save as type, choose > Excel 97-2003 Workbook (*.xls), then save the file.

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